Friday, January 8, 2010

Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

Poised to engage, we stand unfettered in our waking challenge. This world, seemingly tangible in our perception suits, is more akin to a house of mirrors than a rock flying around a giant ball of fire. Still, you can't have a roller coaster ride without a roller coaster, thus this is.

Often enough, we rise up through the rabbit hole rather than descend in our attempts to enlighten our dull wits rather than merely rattle them. Although these forays bring us useful information, the result leads us to the inescapable conclusion that one is either in or out, and there is not much play in that. If one is in, one strives to be out. If one is out, well... who knows? As a confirmed "innie", I am defined by my presence hereabouts.

Therefore, what not and where for become as valid as exacting scientific procedures insofar as ultimate meaning to our wriggling. The comfort of our perception suits is a means and an end in this scenario.

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