Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Punishingly Erudite Observation, art fart and a bit of wisdom

Zark! Snoofles blartingly eplogged with farga-gollies. Nemospheres asiding, prussing nukles splurts in xaxomatic durrunge. Zlop!

So, as we can clearly see, transdimensional mutant absorption only leads to bineural shifts in the time/space perceptors that facilitate an absolutely noodlicious universe.

What of this love so dear?

We've agreed to be near

Have a laugh and shed a tear

Sharing hope and fighting fear

Each moment, day, and year

Thus the answer becomes clear

" Love truth, but pardon error."
François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694–1778)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Reality Is Actually Not Necessarily Alien

So rare that we succeed with both need and desire harmoniously intertwined as they unfold a delicate equilibrium. To dream is to live incomplete, yet in fulfillment's promise a path becomes part of the whole. The reign of time falls aside for those who step into wonder and appreciation everyday. What lies beyond our reach? Only what we've forgotten.
. . .
we share time
to find ourselves
happily surprised
. . .
"To-day, whatever may annoy,The word for me is Joy, just simple Joy. "
-John Kendrick Bangs (1862–1922)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Permission to Squeak

Sporadic fracas ignite wild imaginings with little or no basis for their cyclic frothing. While disturbingly amusing at first, in the long haul their antics become common as shower scum and as tolerable, depending on one's standards of cleanliness. Yet, as awkwardly strained as this relationship becomes, it remains an intrinsic phase in growth pattern that leads to whatever the fuck is going on.

Stir not those caught in gentle dreaming
Awakening isn't for everyone
One ought to stop and gather meaning
Before we face the rising sun

"Heaven hears and pities hapless men like me,
For sacred ev’n to gods is misery".

Alexander Pope (1688–1744) The Odyssey of Homer