Sunday, December 27, 2009

In Praise of Incompleteness

The furor over nothing consumes most humans constantly. Obsessed with desire and fear, entities psychically thrash about with little regard for cause and effect. So often, in this state of frenzied misdirection, damaging themselves as well as others nearby. Some even see their morass of confusion as some kind of normalcy! This is usually a result of being completely out of tune with nature and their own body/mind/soul. An unfortunate circumstance, at best, and downright evil, at it worst.

Souls in the know choose peace, love and understanding in the truest sense of each word. Acceptance and compassion are also integrated into a healthy psychological pattern that promotes unity over imbalance. However, it is pretty much a given that anyone lucky or smart enough to achieve this kind of satori, will eventually throw themselves back into the above mentioned foray as they realize that to be human is to be an non-evolved moron that needs to be dragged into the uncompromising light of truth. This is far more difficult than it may appear.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Resurfacing reality

Finding meaning in the whirlpool of time passing is an exercise in futility, yet it is our nature. The establishment of reason goes beyond mere survival. Our ability to grasp abstract concepts and apply them in a functional manner has proven to be both a blessing and a curse, depending on one's sense of propriety. As with most experiences, the interpretation of information is rather open-ended, so there is a tendency to see what one wishes to see in a given situation. Why one would wish to see things other than as they are is a matter for debate, but one's ability to do so is not in question.

The only real mirror is in the mind
Reflecting the essence of darkness and light
That which is separate is that which binds
And what one expects is just what one finds

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Writhing Under A Velcro Sky

Makeshift analysis produces the usual catalog of errors, but there is little evidence available indicating a better procedure. Information is plentiful, but the proper associations across a wide variety of contexts could prove helpful in our current situation. But what to dream? The universe expands inwardly as well as outwardly from our zero point awareness, thus there are two paths one can experience in such transitions. Imagination races in reflection of future fantasies enacted, and yet one's very obliteration lies within these dramatizations, unbeknowst to the players. Still, a fabulous display of unity fragmenting.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Battlecry of the Easily Distracted

Presence fulfills while we sort out the details in this drama unwinding wildly before us now. No amount of wackiness can resist expression in the aforementioned tumult. This explains a lot, and yet leaves room for quirky conspiracy theories and the miscreants who celebrate them. The edges of lunacy are not defined by their bizarre nature as much as their lack of sanity. Granted, we have landed squarely in a clearly defined place and time, with a limited range of options and rather sketchy instructions as far as ultimate goals are concerned. Nonetheless, enriched by little more than faith, we stride into realms unknown while blowing our little horn of freedom.

I can't cry away the sadness
Locked inside my heart
It's just the usual madness
That tears me apart
There is no why to address
No reason to believe
Life is any more than a mess
We give and receive

I can't wipe away the memory
Of love and it's demise
Though I try to so hard to bury
All the dreams that went awry
There's no sense in regret
Yet I find myself sometimes
Wishing that we never met
Or to look into your eyes

I can't say I've made mistakes
When all paths lead to God
Bad times and lucky breaks
Are just part of growing up
Some say for goodness sake
We find a way to understand
That it's only love we make
But it's not at our command

This Life Is Being Monitored for Quality Assurance

Terra firma giganticus mon frere. I turn the world with each step I take, each footfall unfolds the unique rhythm of my path. Distance and time chase each other's tail creating the sparkling wonder that is the ever-churning galaxy before me now. Swirling deep into the substructure of material existence, our motives become both obvious and obscure, and ultimately meaningless against an infinite universe expanding. And yet we continue, never really knowing if we are the pinnacle of organic manifestation realized or a merely loose shavings on God's workshop floor. Oddly enough, the tyranny of doubt assails only those whom have already opened the door of enlightenment.

Somewhere in the center of nothing
Everything has suddenly arrived
If you care to share in it's unfolding
Hold this moment in your mind

Sometime is the future of memory
Somewhere between now and then
We always find what we're looking for
So, it's only a matter of when

"The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny".
- Edward Abbey