With mass variety of temporal indulgences to choose from, it is often difficult to ascertain the true value of each experience. In this world where we exchange our time of our lives (work) for material goods, it seems rather awkward to think of what people put themselves (and everyone else) through to achieve acceptable product purchasing power. Entrenched in endless 'earning', yearning time, as we give it away for a someday something soon. Choosing between short sharp shocks and the array of long term comforts, we sell our future for what the market bears. The illusion of time cannot be divided into 'work','play' and 'rest' as easily as one might imagine. Upon waking, we have a certain amount of time to achieve anything before 'rest' overtakes us in the form of sleep. Some might say that for some life is all work and no play, and for others the opposite, but upon closer examination these terms (work,play) become more and more meaningless in relation to the value of a given experience to the individual. Societal pressures play a huge role in the valuation process, as does the immediate comfort of said individual. With these thoughts in mind, assessing the current human state on planet Earth, I would venture that we have given ourselves over to the pursuit of worldly goods to the detriment of our world, neighbors, friends, families and selves.
The weight of the world is always the same
Depending on where you stand
The way that it turns, one can't ascertain
Whether gravity is in command
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