For whom one seeks being of infinite jest, let us marvel upon the ambition we embody. Lest be it destined otherwise, all defining aspects of this experience naturally culminate in a rather incomprehensible central location. Shedding that which we call real for that which is actually real leads one not to trust the senses, whose reality remains in question heretofore. Symbolism is the trade of art, as abstract thought is to learning, whatever disconcerting elements may be inadvertently produced without explanation. Communication is validation of that which is not experienced directly.
When I remember a memory
The past I am told
Then I transport temporarily
And I put time on hold
Everything that's to be
Everything that is done
Are linked inextricably
Thus the two are one
When I treasure anything
Love, or so I'm told
Then I understand reality
Is the future I unfold
"He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing."
- Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)
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