All too oft we opt to obfuscate our special happy dream to reorder supplies for another here and now that may never happen. Yet, with formidable relentlessness, occasion calls. Although formalities may seem restrictive or overbearing, let us remember that one wants to be at their best when forming memories with emotional carnivores. Barring explicit sexual displays, the floor is yours. Bonus points are available for promptness, and can be redeemed at the soiled undergarment exchange, next to Bilbo's Expresso Hut by the loading dock.
Being becomes dreaming
Seeming to be real
Awakened by a feeling
No dream could conceal
But still I will believing
In what is and isn't so
It's not what I'm seeing
As much as what I know
"We must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us."
- Shakespeare, Hamlet
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