Weave we will until said web is woven. Argue the merits of where-with-all as you will, but cast no shadow upon future truth unknown. This riddle is not so much a query, as an invitation to a very small surprise party... if we're lucky. For those awaiting random salmon from above to activate personal epiphanies, perhaps my analogy lacks sufficient impact. Regardless, on every level there is art to expose ourselves to whilst meandering from cause to comfort.
In the fine form of normal dualities, that of truth and lies, reliance upon reason weighs heavily. The ability to perceive extreme notions and categorically differentiate and label these thought/experiences in a relatively limitless storage facility seems to give rise to a certain amount of fantasy. While fault or falsehood remains in question, one thing is certain, the effect of said circumstance goes far beyond project objectives.
ever after
I remember heaven
Like it was yesterday
Knowledge was let in
When I turned astray
I remember innocence
But only in retrospect
Knowing is the difference
Between cause and effect
I remember realization
Nothing is as it seems
We are the creation
Living in our dreams
"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell:
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven."
- Milton, Paradise Lost
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