Scrambling in minor madness we act and react endlessly. Time allows us to stir our memory and unfold seamlessly, or so it seems. What stark reality lurks hidden from our hearts, either by accident or choice? Wisdom a small comfort in such imaginings, and truth be known, there is as much there as you wish to have.
I turn my eyes toward the light always
But I'm not afraid of the dark
I've learned in spite of my mistakes
To make a flame from a spark
I live with hope in my heart always
But I'm not afraid to be sad
There are good and bad days
But what a time is had
I remember that I am always
Looking for something more
That will alarm or amaze me
Isn't that what life is for?
"Were I so tall to reach the pole,
Or grasp the ocean with my span,
I must be measured by my soul:
The mind ’s the standard of the man"
- Isaac Watts